• Arulmigu Bhuvaneswari Amman Temple
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The principal objective of our organization is the establishment and operation of a non-profit for serving the Hindu residents of Canada.
The Temple’s main objectives are:
a) foster the spirit of worship and dedication, and to cultivate the Hindu values of life as suited to modern times;

b) diffuse the knowledge of the ethical, spiritual, religious, philosophical, and social foundations and practices of Hindu Dharma and culture;

c) promote and conduct activities of cultural, intellectual, social, religious, and charitable nature and to undertake all such lawful activities as are deemed conducive to and incidental to the attainment of the above objectives;

d) bring together and unite those who believe in the Hindu way of life;

Activities of the Temple:

a) Conduct regular prayer meetings, impart religious instructions based on Hindu scriptures, and celebrate all Hindu festivals;

b) Arrange for the performance of Hindu rites and ceremonies such as the naming of a child, first hair cut of a child, start of education by a child by taking vows and wearing the sacred thread, marriage, cremation, etc., in accordance with the Hindu scriptures;

c) Organize the study, teaching, and practice of various philosophical thoughts based on Hindu scriptures.

d) Organize religious, cultural, educational, recreational, and social activities, consistent with the ideals of the Hindu Dharma.

e) Promote harmony between the various religious and philosophical thoughts of the world. Cooperate with other local Hindu temples in joint religious activities.

f) Inspire the younger generation to acquire knowledge of Hindu Dharma, and Indian heritage, history, and languages.

g) Invite eminent scholars and sages to give discourse on Hinduism.

h) Maintain a library of literature on Hindu philosophy, history, and culture. This literature will include books, magazines, and audio-visual material.

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